Today I...
Read this and liked it.
It's an excerpt from a devotional that I am reading called
90 Days of God's Goodness.
The author says...
My friend told me, years after her trauma:
"I discovered myself in a spirit of entitlement. I learned that
God was not going to go down my checklist of happiness and
fulfill it. I learned what it meant to surrender to his will.
Before, I wanted certain gifts from him. Now I want him.
I have thought,
If this was going to happen to someone, it was
better for it to happen to me, with my faith in God, than to
happen to...anyone without Christ. I have come through this
with an absolute confidence in God. I know he will walk with me
through the rest of my life. I have been through the valley of the
shadow of death, and he was with me. Because he's been faithful
in all I've gone through, I have less to be afraid of now."
That's what I read this morning.
Today I...
Went for a walk with some good friends. The rain stopped, the sun poked its head out, and I noticed that the Oregon leaves are changing their color. My
favorite time of the year: Autumn!
Today I...
Learned how to make collared greens and tasted them for the first time.
Today I...
Thought collared greens were
really good.
Maybe (somewhere deep down) I am southern... A girl can hope... ;)